Friday, August 5, 2016

The Gratitude Of A Firefighter's Daughter

This picture is our immediate families last family portrait taken in April of 2005. Within 4 months of this picture both my parents went to meet their maker, mom in May and dad in Aug. It took years for my first thought of them to not be of their last days, but of happier times.  Yet today, I was reminded by a facebook "memory", that following my dad leaving this world, our family was show a deep love, loyalty and kindness by the firefighters  at the Fruitland Park Volunteer Fire Dept, Villages Fire Dept & Leesburg Fire Dept. 
In recent years I have tried to go back to focusing on peoples birthdays, even if they are celebrating it in heaven, which I believe to be a healthier expression of love. Maybe this story is just something I need to tell because my father's foresight was shown as it all turned out.
My dad's work with the Fruitlad Park Volunteer Fire Dept was not for the most part as an active firefighter, although he never hesitated to suiting up in his turn outs & jumping in the game. He attributed to the department through training and administrative assistance. There were plenty of young strong men & women to  handle the hoses on the front lines.

Firefighter Jim knew what a fire dept needed from his many years in the fire service and fire protection administration. His service during his career was rewarded when he was inducted to the Navy Fire & Emergency Services Hall of Fame one month before he died. Many of the firefighters at Fruitland Park Volunteer Fire Dept could tell you "Fireman Jim" stories, but the following story was revealed to me in word from my dad and in action from the fine fire fighters of Fruitland Park & the Villages Fire Dept.
 Fireman Jim knew they needed a new fire truck, but that's a very expensive piece of equipment. It took quite a while before it came to fruition. Pleading the case to the City Counsel, showing the justification and finding the resources was something right up Fireman Jim's ally. Then finally it happened. 
On a bright sunshiny day this beautiful fire truck pulled up in front of the house. Chief Gamble and a few of the fire fighters brought it by to take Fireman Jim for a ride. Dad had been sick for quite some time, but he was having a good day. He invited them onto the back porch for a cup of coffee and some firefighter chatter (fire house protocol). When they urged him to go for a ride, he said, "that's okay boys I think I will save it for my last ride." The disappointment was visible on their faces but they just smiled and said. "OK Jim" and on their way they went.
On the day dad died, he was under hospice care and had been in a comatose state for not more than one day. Mom & dad had "prearranged " all the funeral arrangements, so it was just a matter of calling the funeral home. Another call was also made to Chief Gamble.
As the funeral home was loading him into their van, that nice new fire truck pulled up in front of the house and provided escort to the funeral home. On the day of the funeral, that same fire truck loaded with Fruitland Park's finest met us at the funeral home to take dad to the church. He indeed finally took his last ride on board that new fire truck. 
There was also another fire truck. It was the ladder truck from the villages. It was one of two that had provided the Ladder Truck Flag Arch at the Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony at Fruitland Park City Hall
just one month before. The other Ladder Truck was from Leesburg Fire Dept. When our procession arrived at Fruitland Park Community Methodist Church we passed under an American Flag hanging from the extended Villages Ladder
Truck. The Leesburg Truck was not available that day (or maybe was on a call) but that didn't stop these fire fighters from making sure this honor was displayed.

I am forever grateful for the love, compassion, loyalty and honor shown my dad and our family during that difficult time.  Eleven years later, I still miss our chats on the porch Dad. Here's to the men & women of the fire service that my dad loved so much!


Wednesday, March 30, 2016

In the Garden

There have been many sermons preached using the metaphor of weeds in your garden that speak to spiritual health. Let me tell you about my garden. The words in the hymn In the Garden are true for God placed these words on my heart just this morning while in the garden with him.

Gardening is a passion of mine and healthy green grass surrounding it is icing on the cake. Matter of fact, fresh cut grass is my all time favorite smell in the world. I continue to use a phrase my dad used when people compliment my garden, "Thanks, it was grown by me & God". Because I live in Central America my gardening passion is affected by the fact that we have two seasons - WET & DRY.

During wet season everything grows leaps & bounds. Its when I do all my planting, transplanting and reseeding from flowers I harvested the previous year. Yes, even in the rain. It's God's water from heaven, glorious life giving rain, so dance in it! At the peak of rainy season it does get challenging finding a window to cut the grass, but what is a challenge other than an opportunity to stretch your ability to find solutions. Wet season for me is during fall & winter in North America

Dry season on the other hand is a tough time of year. The ground actually cracks from lack of moisture, the grass turns brown and many of the flowers I grow just do not survive in that kind of heat. I have to resort to using city water, which has a high content of lime & chlorine so I only use it to keep the fruit trees and my roses alive. Even my cactus plants start to shrivel up, that's how hot it gets.

Now back to the weeds.There is a weed that grows in my grass, that seems to grow best during dry season and it is very invasive. The branches that grow from the main stem are like a Christmas tree, broad at the bottom, tapering at the top where it grows seeds. If left alone it will spread & choke out any healthy grass. It has to be removed by pulling it up being sure to get the roots. I was traveling one year and when I returned it was everywhere. By the time I got a handle on removing it, there were 6 foot by 8 foot sections of bare dirt. It took some time for the healthy grass to spread in to fill those sections.

In our spiritual lives, God yearns to bless us with all that is good in life: growth, prosperity, joy, love & happiness (like rainy season). Be ever so grateful and try to maintain a reservoir of gladness. It doesn't mean we won't experience tragedy, hard times, challenging times like dry season and the invasive weeds that come with it. Weeds that start small, spread and grow, like resentment, despair, & hopelessness. Rid yourself of those weeds and be sure to get the roots for left unattended will destroy even the goodness you sow. Pray for rain and then, ........... learn to dance.

The World of Prayer

 "Step into the world of prayer. Quiet your mind and open your heart. God will whisper his will for you, let Christ comfort, and heal y...