Saturday, August 3, 2013

Meeting New Friends and Savoring the Old

I wrote in an earlier blog about leading a host of lives within one life. Being a military wife meant I could put to good use my chameleon skills. Honey would
come home & say, "Guess what? We're moving to, ..............". This meant it was time to meet new friends and enjoy the adventure of a new place and that is exactly how I viewed it. The kids on the other hand went through a lot more turmoil and adjustment, but they never had trouble making new friends. Well, there was that one time I got tired of their moaning & groaning and kicked them out of the house telling them to return when they had met a new friend and had their mothers name & phone number. CPS would probably lock me up if I did that today, but back then it was a different world, sad to say.

Our move to Belize meant leaving our good friends in Mississippi (not to mention all our family & friends from previous lives in the states), but I can still smell the bayou & imagine sitting on the Grafe's back porch or upper deck sipping some delicious beverage, watching nature unfold in the afternoon. I can
still feel the excitement of having all our kids arrive (as a surprise to me) for my 50th birthday. Of course no one will forget our daughters wedding taking place during one of the worst electrical storms & monsoon rains in the history of Moss Point. Note: for those of you not in the know, it was suppose to be a backyard wedding & reception, but that's a story for another day, but the overall success of a potential disaster was due to the love & help of GREAT FRIENDS!!!

In Belize it was easy to make friends There is a fairly large expat community there and being the "new kids on the block" opened the doors to making many good friends. A central hub for this is the Purple Toucan that host the "Friendship Luncheon". Belize (or Central America) is not for everyone, so some stay, some leave and some enjoy many years but later return to their homeland. Circles of friends change too (in high school we called these "clicks"), but when you are older you just call them circles of friends because these circles have different interests and what you don't find in one circle you can find in another circle. I was never part of a click in high school, I tended to socialize with many different ones at different times. That has not changed. I enjoy the friendship of many people for many different reasons or activities and I try hard to not burn bridges. I learned a long time ago to not say, "We'll never see these people again", because inevitably we do. In Belize I have met people that I either crossed paths with in previous places or should have, because we were in the same places at the same time but didn't meet. It's fun to discover how small the world gets the more we travel.

Now we live in Mexico although not far over the border from where we lived in Belize. Which makes it really nice because along with meeting new friends here,
we still see our friends in Belize. Either they come over for shopping & fun or visa versa. It's not uncommon to get an email that says, "Hey are you gonna be around on such in such a day. Want to meet up for lunch?" Works out great, they can store their cold goods from the store in my fridge while we go to lunch. So much gratitude we owe to those who also offer, "Hey would you like me to bring one or two of your boxes that are stored at Colleens?" By the time we finally receive our license to import our household goods, it won't take but a pickup truck.

While visiting this area before we moved here we made friends with several of the owners of restaurants on the waterfront (many of which are related to each other). We re-kindled friendships with a couple folks that had lived in Belize before Mexico. Then when we rented our house, the sister-in-law to the owner became a good friend and very helpful finding what we needed once we moved in. So far all these friends are spanish speaking so I get lots of practice with the language. Then we met a couple (husband is American, wife Mexican), who have become good friends. BBQ buddies he & CT are. And our latest introduction has been to a couple who we are still getting to know but seem delightful. They raise chickens, ducks, & pigs, he is a carpenter, & she is a massage therapist. Both of the last 2 couples are bi-lingual, so now I have lots of help learning Spanish.

I was looking for a good quote for this blog entry and found this:
“People come, people go – they’ll drift in and out of your life, almost like characters in a favorite book. When you finally close the cover, the characters have told their story and you start up again with another book, complete with new characters and adventures. Then you find yourself focusing on the new ones, not the ones from the past.”
Nicholas Sparks, The Rescue 

 NOTE: I agree with the first part, but not the last. I believe that the best old friends are like a great novel, enjoying it once is great, but being able to pick it up again and enjoy it time & time again is FANTASTIC!! 

"I have been very fortunate to have friends that I may not see or talk to for long periods of time and when we have the good fortune to see or speak with one another,  its as if it was only yesterday." - Catherine Thomas, Aug 2013

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