Friday, September 7, 2012

Now I Understand: Simplicity and OCD

As the sun crest the horizon, the only part of my body awake is my bladder. That's usually anywhere between 4:30am and 6am. Once my feet hit the floor, our little canine house guest contributes to  my awareness with a bounty of energy, tail wagging and soft kisses. On occasion I disappoint him by going back to sleep, but the majority of time I am up for the day. Glasses go on my face and flip flops on my feet. Turn off outside lights, let the small jumping, tail wagging beast out & get a tall glass of water and on to the front porch.

The front porch is one of my favorite places. Concrete half way up & screen on 3 sides to the ceiling. Two layers of screen go on porches: Mesh & the heavier square wire for reinforcement. This double layer puts me in stealth mode while on the porch. People walking by can't really see if you are on the porch or not. I like that. I can watch Corozal wake up without being disturbed. It's my quiet time.

While the little energetic canine beast is having his outside time, the other two enjoy a couple hours sleeping heavily on the porch, a reward for having been on watch all nite outside.

There is a stillness that early
. It's relaxing yet invigorating as the sun continues to rise, the breeze starts to massage the leaves & branches of the foliage and the sounds of town start to creep in. Tennis shoes hitting the pavement as the early morning runners & walkers course the bay front road, voices in conversation sharing thoughts while exercising their legs & heart. Roosters start to rouse the neighborhood and the waves wash up on the rocks in a rhythmic cadence. In the distance you can hear the bus terminal awaken as the buses start their daily runs, transporting a large part of the population to destinations north and south.

A sound from inside the house and the alert ears plus wagging tails of all the canine family  members, indicates that "Mister" is awake. Treats are issued and the coffee grinder announces that the aroma of fresh brewed Belize coffee is on it's way. The bed gets made, an outdoor alarm buzzes as Mister opens the storage unit (Khan's favorite hang out during the day) and the sound of the Thunderbolt fast water taxi tells me it's 7am.

Mr. Gilharry rides by on his bike
to his workplace where he picks up fresh made meat pies that he sells throughout town and the night watchman from Help Age returns to his home. School children will start to fill the streets, walking or riding their bike, backpacks full of knowledge they have learned, are learning or will soon be learning. Mom's, dad's, aunts and uncles escort them safely to the school yard and proceed to jobs or home to start their day.

This existence is simple, but consistent. Seems I like it that way now more than ever. In years gone past, I struggled with the lack of
spontaneity in my parents lives and wondered where I got it from, for truly there was a time I lived a life full of spontaneity. The truth is they had it at some point and settled into a reliable routine that gave them a sense of security, purpose & fulfillment. I know this thing, as I have found it for myself. List are made & checked off, chores get done early while it's cool, errands get run and then it's lunchtime. The day has a better outcome when a nap follows lunch and the most productive part of my day is over. Afternoon brings activities I enjoy, be it club meetings or visiting with friends. 

The vast range of pinks, reds, oranges, purples & blues in the sky
says it's time to think about dinner and by the time the street lights come on, I am safely settled in, as is most of the town. Weekends have a different flavor and set of sounds, but we'll save that for another blog. 

Suffice it to say, NOW I UNDERSTAND, but even in my OCD driven routine, I generally stop & smell the roses, then pick them and bring them in the house!

Note of credit to Dave Rider who took the sunrise picture.


  1. Another great write-up of our simple life!

  2. Thanks honey, let me know if I start to get boring :)


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