Friday, August 26, 2022

React or Act, That is the question

 I don't know about you but many people I know have been imparted "DAD ISMS", those brief messages of wisdom from Dad, sometimes MOM, which would be Momisms. Typically, you apply them through life and often pass on to your own children. One such Dadism for me was " do ACT, don't REACT". I had come to him with a situation in my corporate job world and was not sure what to do. That's when he said those 4 words. I asked "whats the difference?" His eyes lit up like I had just given him a Christmas present. In reality he delighted in sharing life lessons. 

He explained that to react is to respond quickly without thought and often resulting in misunderstandings or worse, conveying anger or disapproval when a lesson learned could be achieved. Action takes thought and is usually a more productive resolve. My dad being a Firefighter all his life, responded quickly all the time, so of course I asked, "What about your emergency response at work"? He smiled that knowing smile and said, "Oh honey THAT is instinctive action derived from education & extensive training for those events. From time to time, as I am human, I failed to heed his wisdom and it often comes back to haunt me. So I confess it and press on, hoping to do better the next time. 

There is nothing wrong with using the phrase, "Let me get back to you". It allows time to gather more info or put needed thought into the best action to take. In

some instances action can be taken in a short amount of time other instances might take a day or longer. It is also a good time to pray, when the situation needs divine guidance. When emotions play a big role in the issue, calm needs to be achieved first. People come to understanding differently when emotions are high, so although the message is the same there can be varied understandings or perceptions based on the energy in the room.
Immediate answers to questions, when the answer is known due to policy, or a previously resolved question is a lot like the firefighters response. A result of education and training. These situations result in "Instinctive action". The question here can be "where are the recipients in knowledge level of the subject?."

There is a phrase, "they don't know what they don't know". I know I have been there, but admitting that's where you are is another thing. Again, it's ok to admit,

"I don't have the answer but I will find it." It's also ok to say, "I'm going to need to pray about that."  Go to God's word, the answers are there. My brother Les told me, "B I B L E" stands for Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth and he's right.  Our eyes, hearts and minds should be focused on getting to our Heavenly Home. This messy world is but a weigh station. 

That is not to say that we lie idle while we are here, no. Jesus taught and left clear instructions, "GO, make disciples of men for the transformation of the world". And why is that important? Because through transformation of ourselves and others we become more like Jesus and draw closer to our Heavenly Father. And of course who else is best to guide our path, comfort and yes spark a fire in us than the spirit of the living God. Is this path easy, ......... oh far from it. All kinds of obstacles can impede our progress. But each can be overcome. If God calls us to it, he will equip us, support us and guide us through it. 

Interacting with others can bring it's own challenges. We are all uniquely made, with gifts, skills, talents and personalities. BUT ALL are made in the image of God for his purpose. He knows that purpose, we may not or understand others purpose, but with prayer & meditation we can discern our own purpose.

I have come around to Solomon's way of thinking. If I can ask God for anything it would be wisdom. So much more can be done with a good dose of wisdom. James 3:17-18 says  "
But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.  Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness."

So, go out there, Be a Blessing to someone, I promise, in turn you will yourself Be Blessed.


The World of Prayer

 "Step into the world of prayer. Quiet your mind and open your heart. God will whisper his will for you, let Christ comfort, and heal y...