Monday, September 23, 2013

The Busy Bee

Which is a much better thing than being a busy body. Staying busy keeps me happy. A project here & there, our monthly BBQ's, or participation in a worthy cause, our life as retirees lends to being able to do as much or little as I like but, doing nothing drives me crazy. In my career life I had limited choices in "as much or little". Goals & Objectives set by bosses meant that to do well you gave it your all, ........ all the time. The rat race of success is for the young (I get tired just thinking about it). Yes, we could have a discussion about the meaning of success and work/life balance, but we'll save that for another time. However, I will say this: My dad always said & I have said many times that a parents deepest desire is that their children be an improved version of themselves. Since our daughter is in the same career field I was in, it makes a good comparison and she definitely is an improved version of me as she does a much better job of life/work balance.

Rainy season makes it easy to do yard projects, the earth is soft from all the
rain but sometimes the challenge is finding sunny days to do the work. Upkeep is a busy project during the rainy season, weeds grow rapidly and on rainy days I think I can hear them laughing at me, not to mention being able to literally watch the grass grow. I have a few more plants to get in the ground yet but, pretty much the landscaping is near complete. Well, maybe a few more flowering plants. I would love to have some "flowers for cutting", so I can get back to flower arranging. Until then, Mexico has a vast supply of cut flowers available, so I think I will start frequenting the flower venders until I define which ones will be easy to grow in my yard. I still have plans to do some indoor painting, so that's a project to look forward to. YES, I love to paint!!

I just about have the monthly BBQ's down to a science. Papi does all the
cooking and I get to do all the organizing, set up & clean up. Don't cringe, I love that part!! It was said of my mother that when people came over she couldn't sit still. She was always washing a glass or wiping a counter, etc. I think I inherited those genes.  There's a couple reasons for that. First, I really do have trouble sitting for hours on end. I am good for about 20-30 minutes and then I have to move around. Some people might feel that's rude, but I'm sorry it's just the way I am.
Secondly, at the end of a long day (our BBQ's joyfully go for 6-8 hours easy, sometimes longer), I dislike very much having to do the clean up all at one time and my OCD doesn't allow me to "leave it til the morning" I am just not built like that. Cleaning as we go works much better for me. By the time the last guest leaves, the food is put away, dishes are done, the counters & tables are clean. I work in stealth mode as our guest are there to be simply that - GUEST! I will slip into the kitchen, wash up a few dishes, refill my glass & return. The biggest improvement I would make to our BBQ's is to convince people that the roof top patio is so much more comfortable. One of these days I have to convince Papi to try doing the BBQ up there or screen in the downstairs porch. The flies are atrocious. But even with a screened in porch it would be so nice to get everyone to migrate to the top to eat & relax for the remainder of the BBQ. OK, off my soap box, maybe after rainy season is over, I will have made some progress on that.

The good causes down here that I have had the honor of being involved with, many of you are aware of: GLOW (Girls Leading our World), CWF (Corozal Womens Forum) & doing PR for CBSC. I have recently been invited to participate in a long standing passion of mine, Ultrasound Education. Being retired from my career in Diagnostic Ultrasound my credentials are in retirement but the knowledge & skill are still there. It grates my last nerve to know that truly good diagnostic ultrasound is not as readily available as it should be in Belize. A fairly new clinic has been established in Patchakan (Presbyterian Medical Clinic). They now have a full time female family practice doctor (with a specialty in OB). They have acquired an ultrasound system. It's an older model but a die hard, work horse that will serve them & the community well. The need for training led them to a gal who is the Director of Ultrasound Education at Presbyterian Mission Hospital in Cincinnati, Ohio. Wendy Skates, RDMS is a good friend of our daughters and introductions were made.
The exciting part for me was when I was asked if I was interested in being a local educational resource after the training was over. I think it took me a split second to say yes. A future blog will fill you in on how it all goes, but can I just say that it amazes me how the out pouring of love & generosity over this mission is allowing Wendy to bring a SLEW of supplies & equipment with her, but the BEST thing she is bringing is her amazing ability to educate!! I truly believe this is just the beginning.

Evidently, the weeds are laughing again, ........... gotta go silence them!!!

The World of Prayer

 "Step into the world of prayer. Quiet your mind and open your heart. God will whisper his will for you, let Christ comfort, and heal y...